Any climber wishing to belay in a top rope or lead at Zéro Gravité must pass their accreditation test. Participants are assessed on their competence and risk management.

To pass your top rope or lead climbing accreditation, you must demonstrate:
- Proper understanding of the responsibility involved in belaying a climber
- Proper usage of climbing equipment
- The ability to tie a figure-eight knot
- Safe belaying and lowering technique
- Adequate communication
- For lead climbing - dynamic belaying, adequate rope management, spotting, belayer positioning, lead climbing-specific considerations (safe progression, clipping, rope positioning, etc.)
Belay test : important notices
Belay tests are not lessons
You must already have the necessary skills to pass the test. Front-desk staff or instructors will not assist you or offer a quick refresher course. For that, check out our climbing classes!
Participants must come prepared
Your belay test must take place at the beginning of your climbing session.
It is not allowed to practice or to receive instruction from another climber at Zéro Gravité before taking the test.
Belay tests are not refundable
Our accreditations are “pass or fail” format and are non-refundable.
In the case of a failed test, you may pass the test again on your next visit (fees apply).
No reservations required
Top-rope belay tests available at all times during opening hours.
Lead climbing belay tests available between 5:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. from Monday to Thursday, and between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturdays.
We take safety seriously
Our tests are strict but fair. Please do not attempt to pass a belay test if you have not climbed in a long time. We do not provide refunds on belay tests under any circumstances. We abide by strict regulations for belaying in order to offer a safe climbing environment.
Any accreditation or membership can be revoked at any time if a climber shows irresponsible or unsafe behaviour.
A partner is required for the test
Partners must have similar weights for the lead climbing test (no more than 30% difference).
You can find partners on our Facebook group!
Tests take approximately 10 minutes (30 minutes for lead climbing).
12 years and older (14 for lead climbing).
No. We do perform verifications after 6 months of inactivity at our gym to ensure all visitors are qualified to belay (no additional cost).
No. You’ll have to earn your Zéro Gravité accreditation. Accreditations are not transferable to other climbing gyms or outdoor climbing. We offer a discount on proof of an accreditation from a climbing gym in Quebec.
Yes! Have your friend or child discover top-rope climbing. We’ll even let you in for free if you’re on belayer duty only. Note that it is not allowed to teach belay technique or knots at our facility.
Figure 8 devices are not allowed. Other popular belaying devices from renowned brands are most likely allowed. Contact us if you’re unsure.
No. Figure-eight knots are not pre-tied. Belay devices must be attached to the belayer’s harness.