Massage Therapy

Reduce your muscle tension with massages from our massage therapist Emilie

Ideal for :

  • Climbers and yogis whose muscles are greatly solicited
  • Those who train regularly
  • Anyone looking for a moment of relaxation

Adapted to climbers and yogis, Émilie’s massages will provide a moment of calm and great muscle relaxation.

The massages promote mobility, and aim to improve blood circulation to help reduce stress.

All massages are done by hand.


Tuesdays and Wednesdays
between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
service de massothérapie avec Emilie Lemarteleur à Zéro Gravité massages suédois cinétiques


  • 45 minutes $80
  • 60 minutes $100
  • 90 minutes $120

10% discount for Zéro Gravité members

Graduated in kinetic Swedish massage® (September 2020), then in deep tissue, I practice massage therapy focused on bio-mechanics. My approach is holistic, both empathetic and energetic, respecting everyone's limits and bubble. I like the idea that there is a connection between body and mind, and my yoga teacher training has confirmed this to me. The benefits of a massage are multiple: freeing the body of its tensions and restrictions, improving mobility, reconnecting with its sensations. Passionate about climbing, I have a good knowledge of the specific needs related to the practice.
Emilie Lemarteleur, massothérapeute chez Zéro Gravité Escalade et yoga Montreal Papineau Mont Royal
Emilie Lemarteleur
Massage therapist

This service is not offered to pregnant women

12 years and over (an accompanying parent must be present for children under 16)

Please complete the health questionnaire before your massage therapy session.