DANGA (Danse / Yoga) – Au centre, un ventre…

*** SOLD OUT ***

Saturday, May 6th from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

A Spring Workshop Abs/Core/Noyau/Center

Offered by Mylène Roy!

Through multiple musical landscapes, the course of the workshop will alternate between fluid and structured yogic sequences, physical training targeting the different abdominal muscle layers, and then targeted dance improvisations (aimed at introspection and not performance), experimenting different aspects specific to the theme of the course.

  • Modes: tonic and fluid.
  • Aligned and swayed.
  • Athletic (for everyone) and candidly philosophical.

In other words, an abs/core/core/center spring-workshop proposing a trajectory that invites us to come into contact in a more personalized way with our belly as a “center”, whatever it is: pink, round , triangular, brown, hollow, full, cheerful or sad, soft, soft or knotted!

Regular price : $35+taxes (student•s : $25+taxes)

Earlybird price (up to 7 days before the event): $30+taxes (student•s : $20+taxes)

*** Hurry up! Places are limited (20)

*** For your safety, do not come in case of inguinal hernia and pregnancy.

Register right here :

Hoping to see many of you there!

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