Grand Carnival on September 23rd at 6 p.m.

Grand Carnival Night — Celebrating Zéro Gravité’s 10th Anniversary

Can you take on games of skill designed to challenge the mental and physical agility of yogis and climbers? This is your chance to merge your passion for rock climbing and yoga with the nostalgic fun of a fairground.

  • Over 15 unique games of skill, designed to test your climbing and yoga skills.
  • Engaging challenges that will push you beyond your limits and explore new possibilities.
  • Participants will be rewarded with coupons redeemable for raffles or the purchase of prizes with a total value of over $5,000.
  • A festive and lively atmosphere, filled with laughter, camaraderie and celebration in a decorated place.
  • Open to everyone, whether you are an enthusiastic beginner or a seasoned expert.

Rates: Members – $25 + tax | Non-members – $35 + tax

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personne faisant de l'escalade de roche encordée

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