progrssion course

Cours de progression 5.11 escalade Montréal Zéro Gravité

Progression 5.11

This course is intended for intermediate climbers already comfortable on 5.11a routes looking to refine their techniques and develop new climbing skills.

Cours de progression 5.11 escalade Montréal Zéro Gravité

Progression 5.11

This course is intended for intermediate climbers already comfortable on 5.11a routes looking to refine their techniques and develop new climbing skills.

Cours de progression 5.12 escalade Montréal Zéro Gravité

Progression 5.12

Are you already proficient on 5.11 routes and aiming to achieve climbing excellence and progress to 5.12 routes? This 3-hour workshop will help you structure your preparation to break through this plateau.

Cours de progression 5.12 escalade Montréal Zéro Gravité

Progression 5.12

Are you already proficient on 5.11 routes and aiming to achieve climbing excellence and progress to 5.12 routes? This 3-hour workshop will help you structure your preparation to break through this plateau. This 3-hour workshop will help you structure your preparation to break through this plateau.

Cours de progression 5.11 escalade Montréal Zéro Gravité

Progression 5.11

This course is intended for intermediate climbers already comfortable on 5.11a routes looking to refine their techniques and develop new climbing skills.