val david

personne faisant de l'escalade de roche encordée

Rock Climbing Initiation

Our initiation course is perfect for a first contact with rock climbing. It is designed to familiarize you with basic climbing techniques and allow you to climb the walls safely.

personne faisant de l'escalade de roche encordée

Rock Climbing Initiation

Our initiation course is perfect for a first contact with rock climbing. It is designed to familiarize you with basic climbing techniques and allow you to climb the walls safely.

escalade de roche à proximité de Montréal, moulinette premier de cordée

The best climbing sites near Montreal

Working at a climbing center means spending your days surrounded by passionate climbers who know the area much better than I do, so I asked my colleagues for recommendations for my next outings. In this article, I invite you to discover some of the best climbing sites near Montreal, all within a two-hour drive. In this article, I invite you to discover some of the best climbing sites near Montreal, all within a two-hour drive.