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Talk with Inukrock : developping rock climbing in Nunavik

March 7 @ 19:30 21:00

Inukrock : developping rock climbing in Nunavik

With Qirniulaut Padlayat, Audrey Hachey

Inukrock is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the accessibility of rock climbing in Nunavik. Climbing is used as a stepping stone to promote the personal and professional development of Inuit youth. Youth empowerment is at the heart of this organization. You will meet Audrey (co-founder), Qirniulaut (climbing animator), who will share their experiences with us. Inukrock’s vision is to create a network of climbers from Nunavummiut who will become leaders in their communities. The conference will be held in English and French.

In the yoga studio
Free talk, on booking

Talk at Zéro Gravité with Inukrock

Presentation of the speakers :

Qirniulaut Padlayat is 18 years old and she is from Inukjuak (Nunavik). She started rock climbing with Inukrock in 2021. She was the first girl to join what was then a ‘boys club’ and since she has inspired many other girls to participate in rock climbing. In summer 2024 she became a rock-climbing animator for Inukrock. She now lives in Montreal for the school year to continue her studies… and climb!

Audrey Hachey started working in Nunavik in 2018 as a social worker. Whilst in in Nunavik, she would miss rock climbing and in 2019 she gathered second-hand climbing shoes from Zero Gravité and brought them to Inukjuak… Overtime, there was sparks in the eyes of some of the youth and in 2022 she co-funded Inukrock with Joanassie Oweetaluktuk and Sandy Williams so that rock climbing in Nunavik may have a future.

Learn more, follow Inukrock :


What are the Talks?

Des moments de récit, des partages de connaissance, d’histoires et d’explorations, les conférences causerie reviennent à Zéro Gravité un vendredi par mois. Un temps d’écoute, puis un temps de discussion autour du sujet choisis, toutes et tous êtes les bienvenus dans le studio de yoga de Zéro Gravité. Gratuit sur réservation.

Free Sur réservation

Zéro Gravité escalade & yoga

4519 Papineau
Montreal, QC H2H1V4
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