
cours gratuits de yoga Montréal élèves de la formation professorale de yoga 2024-2025 studio de yoga Zéro Gravité escalade et yoga

Yoga classes by the students of the Yoga teacher training

The students from the teacher training program will offer yoga classes in our studio. Free and open to all levels, these classes allow the students to put into practice the teachings they’ve learned during their training with François Lacerte at Zéro Gravité.

atelier yoga découpage de postures avancées avec Ingrid, Zéro Gravité

Yoga workshop | Breakdown of advanced postures

We will explore and break down each position to better understand their alignment and the sensations to focus on. The following postures will be covered: the Curse Pose (Shapasana), Bird of Paradise (Svarga Dvidasana), various variations of Crow Pose (Kakasana), and One-Arm Balance (Eka Hasta Bhujasana). This approach is ideal for those looking to enrich their practice, master complex postures while recovering gently, and be able to integrate these practices into their daily life independently.

Conférence causerie à Zéro Gravité avec Inukrock

Talk with Inukrock : developping rock climbing in Nunavik

Inukrock is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the accessibility of rock climbing in Nunavik. Climbing is used as a stepping stone to promote the personal and professional development of Inuit youth. Youth empowerment is at the heart of this organization. You will meet Audrey (co-founder), Qirniulaut (climbing animator), and Philippe (ZG instructor and artist), who will share their experiences with us. Inukrock’s vision is to create a network of climbers from Nunavummiut who will become leaders in their communities. The conference will be held in English and French.

atelier yoga stabilité fondamentale équilibrer les 3 gunas Zéro Gravite Montreal

Yoga Workshop | Fundamental stability : balancing the 3 gunas

By learning to identify an imbalance and respond to it appropriately, we promote a state of alignment with ourselves and the world around us. With simple and structured tools, you will be able to integrate these practices into your daily life independently.